- Short Titles. 1
- 1 Short titles. 1
- Equality of Statuss. 2
- 2 Status of males and femaless. 2
- PART I — Superannuations. 3
- Interpretations. 3
- 3(1) Definitionss. 3(1)
- 3(2) Persons deemed employed in Senate or House of Commonss. 3(2)
- 3(3) References to other Actss. 3(3)
- 3(4) When specified age deemed to be reacheds. 3(4)
- 3(5) Persons deemed employed on full-time basiss. 3(5)
- Superannuations. 4
- 4(1) Scope of Part Is. 4(1)
- 4(2) Superannuation Accounts. 4(2)
- Persons Required to Contributes. 5
- 5(1) Persons required to contributes. 5(1)
- 5(2) Contribution rates — 2013 and laters. 5(2)
- 5(3) Contribution rates — 35 years of services. 5(3)
- 5(4) Limitation — determination of contribution ratess. 5(4)
- 5(5) Other pensionable services. 5(5)
- 5(6) Contributions not requireds. 5(6)
- 5.1(1) Contributions not requireds. 5.1(1)
- 5.1(2) Contributions not requireds. 5.1(2)
- 5.1(3) Non-applications. 5.1(3)
- 5.2 Election for part-time employeess. 5.2
- 5.3(1) Election for leave of absences. 5.3(1)
- 5.3(2) Contributions not requireds. 5.3(2)
- 5.3(3) Exceptions. 5.3(3)
- 5.3(4) Transitionals. 5.3(4)
- 5.4(1) Election for certain persons over sixty-five years of ages. 5.4(1)
- 5.4(2) Payments. 5.4(2)
- 5.5(1) Elections. 5.5(1)
- 5.5(2) Payments. 5.5(2)
- 5.5(3) Crediting of pensionable services. 5.5(3)
- Pensionable Services. 6
- 6(1) Pensionable services. 6(1)
- 6(2) Definition of forcess. 6(2)
- Elective Pensionable Service: Amount Required to be Paids. 7
- 7(1) Amount to be paids. 7(1)
- 7(1.1) Amount to be paid in certain casess. 7(1.1)
- 7(2) Definition of interests. 7(2)
- Electionss. 8
- 8(1) Manner of making electionss. 8(1)
- 8(2) Void electionss. 8(2)
- 8(3) Right to elect for part of periods. 8(3)
- 8(4) Right to amend or revoke elections. 8(4)
- 8(5) Election deemed valids. 8(5)
- 8(6) Manner of payments. 8(6)
- 8(6.1) Election after March 31, 2000s. 8(6.1)
- 8(7) Unpaid instalmentss. 8(7)
- 8(8) Recovery of amounts due at time of deaths. 8(8)
- 8(9) Recovery of amount paid in errors. 8(9)
- 8.1 Special procedures for certain electionss. 8.1
- 9 Calculation of time for making of certain electionss. 9
- Benefitss. 10
- Definitions, etc.s. 10
- 10(1) Definitionss. 10(1)
- 10(2) Duration of payment, etc., to contributors. 10(2)
- 10(3) Duration of payment, etc., to survivor or childs. 10(3)
- 10(4) Capitalizations. 10(4)
- 10(5) Optionss. 10(5)
- 10(6) Revocation of options. 10(6)
- 10(7) Contributor re-employed before payment of return of contributionss. 10(7)
- 10(8) Annuity in respect of locked-in contributionss. 10(8)
- 10(9) Interest on return of contributionss. 10(9)
- 10(10) Benefits not assignable, etc.s. 10(10)
- Annuities: How Computeds. 11
- 11(1) Computation of annuitiess. 11(1)
- 11(2) Deduction from annuitys. 11(2)
- 11(2.1) Percentagess. 11(2.1)
- 11(3) Definitionss. 11(3)
- 11(4) Air traffic controller benefitss. 11(4)
- 11(5) Circumstances where annuity to be increaseds. 11(5)
- 11(6) Exceptions. 11(6)
- 11(7) Salary deemed to have been received during certain periodss. 11(7)
- 11(8) Computation of average annual salarys. 11(8)
- 11(9) Applications. 11(9)
- 11(10) Applications. 11(10)
- Group 1 Contributors with Less than Two Years of Pensionable Services. 12
- 12 Group 1 contributorss. 12
- 12(1) Group 1 contributors with less than two years of pensionable services. 12(1)
- 12(2) Group 1 contributors to whom subsection (1) appliess. 12(2)
- 12(3) Other Group 1 contributorss. 12(3)
- 12(4) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 12(4)
- 12(5) Idems. 12(5)
- 12(6) Allowances. 12(6)
- 12(7) Allowances. 12(7)
- 12(8) Lump sum payment to survivor and childrens. 12(8)
- 12(9) Definition of “child”s. 12(9)
- Group 2 Contributors with Less than Two Years of Pensionable Services. 12.1
- 12.1(1) Group 2 contributorss. 12.1(1)
- 12.1(2) Group 2 contributors with less than two years of pensionable services. 12.1(2)
- 12.1(3) Group 2 contributors to whom subsection (2) appliess. 12.1(3)
- 12.1(4) Other Group 2 contributorss. 12.1(4)
- 12.1(5) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 12.1(5)
- 12.1(6) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 12.1(6)
- 12.1(7) Allowances. 12.1(7)
- 12.1(8) Lump sum payment to survivor and childrens. 12.1(8)
- 12.1(9) Definition of childs. 12.1(9)
- Group 1 Contributors with Two or More Years of Pensionable Services. 13
- 13(1) Group 1 contributors with two or more years of pensionable services. 13(1)
- 13(2) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 13(2)
- 13(3) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 13(3)
- 13(4) Voluntary retirement of Group 1 contributors. 13(4)
- 13(4.1) Exceptionss. 13(4.1)
- 13(5) Calculation of period of services. 13(5)
- 13(6) Where annual allowance to be adjusteds. 13(6)
- Group 2 Contributors with Two or More Years of Pensionable Services. 13.001
- 13.001(1) Group 2 contributors with two or more years of pensionable services. 13.001(1)
- 13.001(2) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 13.001(2)
- 13.001(3) Allowance to survivor and childrens. 13.001(3)
- 13.001(4) Voluntary retirement of Group 2 contributors. 13.001(4)
- 13.001(5) Exceptionss. 13.001(5)
- 13.001(6) Calculation of period of services. 13.001(6)
- 13.001(7) When annual allowance to be adjusteds. 13.001(7)
- Group 1 and Group 2 Contributors with Two or More Years of Pensionable Services. 13.01
- 13.01(1) Transfer values. 13.01(1)
- 13.01(2) Where transferreds. 13.01(2)
- 13.01(3) Election to pay by instalmentss. 13.01(3)
- 13.02 Return of contributions where previous transfer values. 13.02
- 13.03(1) Return of contributions where payment by previous employers. 13.03(1)
- 13.03(2) Deemed inclusions. 13.03(2)
- 13.1(1) Election for contributorss. 13.1(1)
- 13.1(2) Payments. 13.1(2)
- 13.1(3) No entitlements. 13.1(3)
- 14s. 14
- Air Traffic Controllerss. 15
- 15 Definitionss. 15
- 16(1) Where employment ceases voluntarilys. 16(1)
- 16(2) Deemed exercise of options. 16(2)
- 17(1) When employment ceases otherwise than voluntarilys. 17(1)
- 17(2) Employment in public service following operational services. 17(2)
- 17(3) Deferred portion of benefitss. 17(3)
- 17(4) Deemed exercise of options. 17(4)
- 18 Computation of benefit under subsection 13(1)s. 18
- 19 Additional amount to be contributed by air traffic controllerss. 19
- 20(1) Contributions for elective services. 20(1)
- 20(2) Salary on which contributions baseds. 20(2)
- 20(3) Manner of payments. 20(3)
- 21 Options. 21
- 22(1) Options. 22(1)
- 22(2) Idems. 22(2)
- 23 Where annual allowance to be adjusteds. 23
- 24 References to certain sectionss. 24
- Correctional Service of Canadas. 24.1
- 24.1 Definition of operational services. 24.1
- 24.2 Special pension plans. 24.2
- 24.3 Computation of benefit under subsection 13(1) or 13.001(1)s. 24.3
- 24.4(1) Additional amount to be contributeds. 24.4(1)
- 24.4(2) Exceptions. 24.4(2)
- 24.5 References to certain sectionss. 24.5
- 24.6 When annuity or annual allowance to be adjusteds. 24.6
- Payments to Survivors, Children and Other Beneficiariess. 25
- 25(1) Lump sum paymentss. 25(1)
- 25(2) Apportionment when two survivorss. 25(2)
- 25(2.1) Share may be nils. 25(2.1)
- 25(3) Allowances paid to childrens. 25(3)
- 25(4) Person considered to be the survivors. 25(4)
- 25(4.1) Person considered to be marrieds. 25(4.1)
- 25(5) When survivor not to receive annual allowance — waivers. 25(5)
- 25(6) Permitted waiverss. 25(6)
- 25(7) Time for waivers. 25(7)
- 25(8) When survivor not to receive benefits — criminal responsibility for deaths. 25(8)
- 25(9) When survivor not to receive annual allowance — missing survivors. 25(9)
- 25(10) Apportionment of allowance when two survivorss. 25(10)
- 25(11) Yearss. 25(11)
- 25(12) Death, etc. of one of the survivorss. 25(12)
- 26(1) Marriage, etc. after retirements. 26(1)
- 26(2) Child born, etc., after retirements. 26(2)
- 26(3) Death within one year after marriages. 26(3)
- 26(5) Saving provisions. 26(5)
- 26(6) Transitionals. 26(6)
- 26(7) Transitionals. 26(7)
- 26.1s. 26.1
- Minimum Benefitss. 27
- 27(1) Minimum benefitss. 27(1)
- 27(2) Minimum benefitss. 27(2)
- Disability Paymentss. 28
- 28 Disability paymentss. 28
- Persons Re-employeds. 29
- 29 Persons re-employeds. 29
- 30 Failure to apply for re-employments. 30
- Medical Examinationss. 31
- 31(1) Medical examination requirementss. 31(1)
- 31(2) Failure to pass medical examinations. 31(2)
- 31(3) Prohibited electionss. 31(3)
- Diversion of Amounts Payable in Certain Casess. 32
- 32(1) Diversion of payments to satisfy financial support orders. 32(1)
- 32(2) Where recipient unable to manage own affairss. 32(2)
- 32(3) Payment deemed to be to recipients. 32(3)
- Presumption of Deaths. 33
- 33(1) Presumption of deaths. 33(1)
- 33(2) Change of dates. 33(2)
- Special Casess. 34
- 34s. 34
- Transferred Pensionable Newfoundland Employeess. 35
- 35(1) Definitionss. 35(1)
- 35(2) Newfoundland service countables. 35(2)
- 35(3) Average annual salarys. 35(3)
- 35(4) Adjustment of benefits in certain casess. 35(4)
- 35(5) Where an election not to count Newfoundland services. 35(5)
- 35(6) Saving provisions. 35(6)
- 35(7) Idems. 35(7)
- Diplomatic and Consular Representativess. 36
- 36 Diplomatic and consular representativess. 36
- Public Service Corporationss. 37
- 37(1) Definitionss. 37(1)
- 37(2) Contributions in respect of employees of corporations. 37(2)
- 37(3) Contributions — current services. 37(3)
- 37(4) Interests. 37(4)
- 37(5) Information to be provideds. 37(5)
- Corporations declared to form or to have formed part of the Public Service for limited purposes onlys. 38
- 38(1) Service with corporation included in Part IV of Schedule Is. 38(1)
- 38(2) Contributions to Superannuation Account and Public Service Pension Funds. 38(2)
- 38(3) Person employed in the public service after December 31, 1953s. 38(3)
- Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Acts. 39
- 39(1) Service that may be counteds. 39(1)
- 39(2) Amount to be paids. 39(2)
- 39(3) Salary deemed to have been receiveds. 39(3)
- 39(4) Surrender of benefits on elections. 39(4)
- 39(5) Right to retain pensions. 39(5)
- 39(6) Election to surrender benefitss. 39(6)
- 39(7) Repayment of certain benefitss. 39(7)
- 39(8) Amount to be credited to Superannuation Accounts. 39(8)
- 39(8.1) Amount to be paids. 39(8.1)
- 39(9) Amount to be credited to Superannuation Accounts. 39(9)
- 39(10) Amount to be paids. 39(10)
- Reciprocal Transfer Agreementss. 40
- 40 Definition of approved employers. 40
- 40(2) Authority to enter into agreements. 40(2)
- 40(3) Authority to transfer contributionss. 40(3)
- 40(4) Idems. 40(4)
- 40(5) Consent of contributors. 40(5)
- 40(6) Non-applicability of subsection 10(10)s. 40(6)
- 40(7) No benefit payable in respect of transferred contributionss. 40(7)
- 40(8) Payment of balance to contributors. 40(8)
- 40(9) Prohibition on transfer of certain contributionss. 40(9)
- 40(10) Definition of provincial laws. 40(10)
- 40(11) Service countable by employee entering public services. 40(11)
- 40(11.1) Service countable by employee entering public services. 40(11.1)
- 40(12) Transfer of past contributionss. 40(12)
- 40(13) Pensionable service in service transferred to Her Majestys. 40(13)
- 40(14) Amounts paid into S.R.B. Accounts. 40(14)
- Divestiture of Services. 40.1
- 40.1(1) Divestiture of services. 40.1(1)
- 40.1(2) Transitional coverages. 40.1(2)
- 40.1(3) Deemed coming into forces. 40.1(3)
- Transfer Agreementss. 40.2
- 40.2 Definition of eligible employers. 40.2
- 40.2(2) Authority to enter into agreements. 40.2(2)
- 40.2(3) Authority to transfer contributionss. 40.2(3)
- 40.2(4) Consent of contributors. 40.2(4)
- 40.2(5) Non-applicability of subsection 10(10)s. 40.2(5)
- 40.2(6) No benefit payable in respect of transferred contributionss. 40.2(6)
- 40.2(7) Payment of difference to employee who was vesteds. 40.2(7)
- 40.2(8) Payment of difference to employee who was not vesteds. 40.2(8)
- 40.2(9) Service countable by employee entering public services. 40.2(9)
- 40.3(1) Transitionals. 40.3(1)
- 40.3(2) Deemed termination of certain agreementss. 40.3(2)
- 40.3(3) Regulationss. 40.3(3)
- Advisory Committees. 41
- 41(1) Advisory committee establisheds. 41(1)
- 41(2) Mandates. 41(2)
- 41(3) Memberships. 41(3)
- 41(4) Terms. 41(4)
- 41(5) Recommendation of candidatess. 41(5)
- Regulationss. 42
- 42(1) Regulationss. 42(1)
- 42(2) Regulations relating to leave of absences. 42(2)
- 42(3) Additions to Schedule Is. 42(3)
- 42(4) Deletions from Schedule Is. 42(4)
- 42(5) Certain members not includeds. 42(5)
- 42(6) Where board, etc., has separate pension plans. 42(6)
- 42(7) Definition of employees. 42(7)
- 42(8) Members of Parliament and Senatorss. 42(8)
- 42(9) Counting of service for benefit of Crowns. 42(9)
- 42(10) Erroneous advice respecting counting of services. 42(10)
- 42(11) Idems. 42(11)
- 42.1(1) Regulationss. 42.1(1)
- 42.1(2) Retroactive application of regulationss. 42.1(2)
- Payments out of the Accounts. 43
- 43(1) Payments out of Superannuation Accounts. 43(1)
- 43(2) Transfer of amountss. 43(2)
- 43(3) Payment of benefitss. 43(3)
- Amountss. 44
- 44(1) Amounts to be credited in each years. 44(1)
- 44(6) Amounts to be credited on basis of actuarial valuation reports. 44(6)
- 44(7) Equal annual instalmentss. 44(7)
- 44(8) Adjustmentss. 44(8)
- 44(9) Amounts to be debited on basis of actuarial valuation reports. 44(9)
- 44(10) If total exceeds maximums. 44(10)
- 44(11) Annual instalmentss. 44(11)
- 44(12) Adjustmentss. 44(12)
- 44(13) Maximum amount to credit of Account and Funds. 44(13)
- 44(14) Costss. 44(14)
- Public Service Superannuation Investment Funds. 44.1
- 44.1(1) Establishment of Public Service Superannuation Investment Funds. 44.1(1)
- 44.1(2) Amounts to be deposited into the Public Service Superannuation Investment Funds. 44.1(2)
- 44.1(3) Costss. 44.1(3)
- 44.1(4) Transfer of amountss. 44.1(4)
- Public Service Pension Funds. 44.2
- 44.2(1) Establishment of Public Service Pension Funds. 44.2(1)
- 44.2(2) Amounts to be deposited into the Public Service Pension Funds. 44.2(2)
- 44.2(3) Amounts to be determined by the Ministers. 44.2(3)
- 44.2(4) Determination of the amountss. 44.2(4)
- 44.2(5) Transfer of amountss. 44.2(5)
- 44.2(6) Payment of benefitss. 44.2(6)
- 44.3(1) Amounts to be paid on basis of actuarial valuation reports. 44.3(1)
- 44.3(2) Equal annual instalmentss. 44.3(2)
- 44.3(3) Adjustmentss. 44.3(3)
- 44.4(1) No more deposits if non-permitted surpluss. 44.4(1)
- 44.4(2) When non-permitted surpluss. 44.4(2)
- 44.4(3) Minister’s recommendations. 44.4(3)
- 44.4(4) When surplus is not non-permitted surpluss. 44.4(4)
- 44.4(5) Non-permitted surpluss. 44.4(5)
- 44.4(6) When reduction in contributionss. 44.4(6)
- 44.5 Costss. 44.5
- Actuarial Reports. 45
- 45 Public Pensions Reporting Acts. 45
- Annual Reports. 46
- 46 Annual reports. 46
- PART I.1 — Provisions That Apply to Canada Post Corporations. 46.1
- 46.1 Definitionss. 46.1
- 46.2 Deemed deletions. 46.2
- 46.3(1) Establishment of pension planss. 46.3(1)
- 46.3(2) Approval of planss. 46.3(2)
- 46.3(3) Criterias. 46.3(3)
- 46.3(4) No benefits except under the planss. 46.3(4)
- 46.3(5) No liability for matters arising before effective dates. 46.3(5)
- 46.3(6) Transfer of accrued benefitss. 46.3(6)
- 46.3(7) Pension plans not to affect accrued benefitss. 46.3(7)
- 46.3(8) Period beginning on January 1, 2013s. 46.3(8)
- 46.4(1) Establishment of group life insurance plans. 46.4(1)
- 46.4(2) Benefits, etc., equal to public service regimes. 46.4(2)
- 46.4(3) Benefits to former employeess. 46.4(3)
- 46.5(1) No alteration of plans before October 1, 2001s. 46.5(1)
- 46.5(2) Alteration of planss. 46.5(2)
- 46.6 No longer a participant under Part IIs. 46.6
- PART II — Supplementary Death Benefitss. 47
- Interpretations. 47
- 47(1) Definitionss. 47(1)
- 47(2) Other words and expressionss. 47(2)
- 47.1(1) Applications. 47.1(1)
- 47.1(2) Salarys. 47.1(2)
- 47.1(3) Deemed elections. 47.1(3)
- 47.1(4) Deemed designations. 47.1(4)
- 48 Crown corporation employeess. 48
- 49 Apportionments. 49
- 50 Service to be counteds. 50
- Electionss. 51
- 51(1) Election to continue as participants. 51(1)
- 51(2) Election to continue as participants. 51(2)
- 51(3) Idems. 51(3)
- 51(4) When regular force participant deemed participants. 51(4)
- 52(1) Elections to reduce benefitss. 52(1)
- 52(2) Transitionals. 52(2)
- 52(2.1) Transitionals. 52(2.1)
- 52(2.2) Transitionals. 52(2.2)
- 52(3) Election irrevocables. 52(3)
- Contributionss. 53
- 53 Amount of contributionss. 53
- Benefitss. 54
- 54(1) Payment of benefits. 54(1)
- 54(2) Last contribution for certain casess. 54(2)
- 54(3) Benefits to certain participants continueds. 54(3)
- 55(1) To whom benefits paids. 55(1)
- 55(2) Transitionals. 55(2)
- 55(2.1) Exceptions. 55(2.1)
- 55(3) How benefits paids. 55(3)
- Public Service Death Benefit Accounts. 56
- 56(1) Account in Consolidated Revenue Funds. 56(1)
- 56(2) How benefits chargeds. 56(2)
- Generals. 57
- 57(1) Elective participantss. 57(1)
- 57(2) Idems. 57(2)
- 58 Benefits not assignable, etc.s. 58
- 59(1) Valuation and assets reportss. 59(1)
- 59(2) Review datess. 59(2)
- 60 Annual reports. 60
- 61(1) Regulationss. 61(1)
- 61(2) Application of Part Is. 61(2)
- 62(1) Ineligibilitys. 62(1)
- 62(2) Election irrevocables. 62(2)
- 62(3) Applications. 62(3)
- 62(4) Election deemed valids. 62(4)
- 63 Double payment avoideds. 63
- PART III — Supplementary Benefitss. 64
- 64 Definitionss. 64
- 65s. 65
- 66(1) Contributions for elective services. 66(1)
- 66(2) Manner of payments. 66(2)
- 67s. 67
- 68 Benefit payables. 68
- 69(1) Calculation of benefits. 69(1)
- 69(2) Exception for first year benefits receiveds. 69(2)
- 69(3) Determination of retirement year or months. 69(3)
- 69(4) Deemed retirement years. 69(4)
- 69(5) No decrease in amount of supplementary benefits. 69(5)
- 69(6) Minimum guaranteed amounts. 69(6)
- 70 Manner of payment of benefits. 70
- PART IV — Generals. 71
- 71(1) Regulationss. 71(1)
- 71(2) Idems. 71(2)
- 71(3) Inconsistency with Act or other regulationss. 71(3)
- 71(4) Retroactive application of regulationss. 71(4)
- 71(5) Void regulationss. 71(5)
- 72(1) Regulationss. 72(1)
- 72(2) Retroactive application of regulationss. 72(2)
- 73 Power of Ministers. 73
- 74 Regulations — electronic meanss. 74
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